
Within the scope of the "Increasing Quality and Access in Early Childhood Education (ECE)" Project, media campaigns and awareness-raising activities are carried out to inform the public of the importance of ECE by engaging with family and community. For example, a 39-episode cartoon series is being produced to support play-based early learning at home, foster young children's love of learning and increase awareness of the significance of early childhood education. A study on parents' knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) towards early childhood education services in Türkiye was conducted as part of the Project. The study findings will provide a basis for the community activities to inform parents and caregivers to support their children's education, was conducted throughout the Project.

Within the scope of the Project, in cooperation with the LEGO Foundation, "Guided Play" teacher trainings were given to teachers  so they can better support children to develop problem solving, creative thinking, movement, coordination, cooperation and communication skills through play and to foster children's language development. In the Project pilot schools, DUPLO Playbox and 6 Brick sets were distributed and children's learning through play was supported.
